I made new friends: the amazing people sharing their stories over TED talks. Every time I find a new story of true grit, it is like finding a new reason to go on with my crazy idea and every adventurer on TED automatically becomes my friend. Not only that I learn a lot from their experiences, but I discover that people have amazing powers they are not aware of. Their passion and determination humble me.
Totally impressed by Lewis Pugh and the lesson he learns from swimming across a glacial lake on Mount Everest. After a failed attempt when gasping for air after few strokes he is lucky enough to get to the shore, he has a Eureka moment. The mountain will not surrender if he has an aggressive approach, as he did in all his previous challenges, like the North Pole one. Because of the thin air only a humble approach can work so he switches to breaststroke from freestyle to conserve his breathing. His TED talk is fascinating: it is about courage, about learning from your mistakes and then succeeding, and above all about caring about nature and climate change. Will I be able to calm my mind and don’t rush with the summit push?
Another TED talk stoked up my hopes of summiting the Everest and help me understand women strengths in sports versus men. It is a captivating story about courage, perseverance, compassion but also about how much we had to give up as humans to live in this “technological” world and how simple and perfect life was on our planet a thousand or more years ago. It is Cristopher McDougall Are we born to run?
There are many stories out that made me believe I have the right to hope and to dream and I am very grateful to all wonderful people who decided to share their daring endeavors with the world and also inspire me.